Bodie Mercentile Anaglyph images - view with red/cyan glasses

The image on the left uses the nearpoint for overlap of the left and right images. The image on the right uses the cash register as the zero deviation point.
The nearpoint overlap shows more ghosting than the center point overlap.  The center point ZDP creates a winow violation on the right.

Which makes a beter anaglyph?  Click either to enlarge.

nearwindowfar window

This adjustment is often made on the fly when viewing images that have been saved as pairs.  Save pairs may be viewed
in many different ways.This becomes more important with larger images where the content invites the viewer to zoom into
some detail of the subject.  A similar photo is offered for comparison to this scanned Realist slide.

This same image in crossed view

A similar photo taken using a modern digital camera.

